Saturday, August 21, 2010

Have you ever kissed a squirrel?

Did you like it?Have you ever kissed a squirrel?
do you mean that user from p %26amp; s?

nopeHave you ever kissed a squirrel?
I didn't kiss it?

that reminds me of the day i went to that party in the woods with the raccoon,the possum and the skunk.
there's no squirrels in Hawaii :(

answer mine please?;鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

I kissed a squirrel and I liked it. The taste of it's acorn chapstick.
Negative Ghostrider....
No but I have been peed on and scratched by a possum. Vile dirty little critters.
We dont have squirells in Australia :(
the kissing wasn't great, but the sex was AMAZING
I can't even catch one. Not that I've tried........
No we don't have squirrels here in Australia :(
kissed? i got down and dirty with that baby :]
Why yes, yes I did.
No cant say i have to be honest
Hell no!
I tried kissing a squirrel.

It bit my in the balls.
no but my husband kissed a raccoon and has a scar to prove it
I would never cheat on my Sheep.
Yes, he was my Prince Charming

He turned into a man afterwards
I agree with Diandra,

we don't have squirrels here in AUS

random? uh, no!
awe nooo! Now I want to though haha
no, but i did kiss a roach once........
no but im going to now
no they're too fast :(
lol not yet
yesssss i like it..
no i kissed a rat once hes name was josh ; )
that would be a .......... NO!

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