Saturday, July 31, 2010

My baby squirrel is sick what do I do? ?

I think my baby squirll is sick. Well I know she is sick, anyway, I have been trying to hydrate she all day, also she is passing a green snot like discharge. She hasn't gotten any worse, and she is still eating. So what am I supposes to do? I don't have anyway to get to the vet seeing as how I don't have a car, and no buses run out this far. I live pretty deep in the country.

So what can I do for her? My baby squirrel is sick what do I do? ?

make sure she is comfortable and make sure she is drinking lots of water and continues to eat and hope for the best. i had a chipmunk that was like that for a bit but he got better after a few days :))

i hope she feels better!My baby squirrel is sick what do I do? ?
You could try to either feed it milk and feel if it is hot, if it is get a friend to drive you. Why don't you get a mom or dad to drive you.

AW! You have a baby squirrel!

Try to feed it water through an eye dropper, if it doesnt get water, it will dehydrate and die. :(

Good Luck!
squirrel unusual pet lol.

anyway try to feed her with a drip thing for water.

i dont know much about squirrels so cant really help lol soz.

y do u have a squill as a pet? bring it to the vet

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