Friday, November 25, 2011

What is the world record Squirrel?

What was the biggest squirrel ever killed? if you dont know the official record tell e yours. mine is 3 lbsWhat is the world record Squirrel?
I don't know the record, but I killed one that weighed 5 lbs.I had him mounted by a guy just starting out in taxidermy and when I got him back, I was amazed- it had turned into an ordinary size squirrel. The guy said man, I had to trim off a ton of skin to get him to fit the mold! There went my trophy squirrel of a life time. When compared to other squirells I killed on that hunt, the big one looked like a giant. He must have had some sort of a gland problem to have gotten so large.What is the world record Squirrel?
In reality? 1.5 pounds. As far as my wife and co-workers are concerned: it was 82 pounds and had huge teeth. I had to shoot it with my twelve gage so it would stop attacking small children. do they believe me? hmm.
I have the B%26amp;C record for gray squirrels. It weighed in at 19lbs 4oz and measured over 3' from nose to tail tip and was the most vicious animal I've ever come across. We lost a lot of good men on that hunt.

I don't care what anyone says, that was funny.

Oh and I'm not sure what the world record is, but the New Hampshire State record is 2 lb. 2 oz.
I have Rocky, the flying squirrel, mounted and sitting on the mantel under Bullwinkel's head.
The Worlds Record weight was achieved by a Fox Squirrel.*
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